But he is expressing confidence that the enemy-whom he acknowledges are becoming better trained and equipped-cannot sustain their operations against a growing Afghan National Army and the massive foreign military presence. 他承认敌人的训练和装备都在改进,但是他相信,有日益成长的阿富汗国家军队和大规模外国军事力量的驻守,敌人维持不了针对阿富汗的袭击行动。
To establish the national united front for joint resistance to the enemy, it is necessary properly to resolve certain internal contradictions, the principle here being that the solution should help strengthen and extend the anti-Japanese national united front and not weaken or narrow it. 为了建立民族统一战线共同对敌,国内的某些矛盾,必须给予适当的解决,其原则是应当有助于抗日民族统一战线的增强和扩大,而不是使其削弱和缩小。
For the Party of Ronald Reagan, national debt should be seen as an enemy and framed as a national security issue. 对于罗纳德里根(ronaldreagan)隶属的共和党来说,国家债务应该被看成是一个敌人,并作为国家安全问题来对待。
Using information system contribute to war, and preventing enemy penetration and destroy, these are problems that every country national defense development must regard. 让信息系统为己方的战争出力,并防止对方的渗透和破坏,成为了各个国家国防发展必须重视的问题。
It stresses on superior sense of self-national culture and disdain of foreign cultures. By the virtue of remembrance and adoration of traditional culture, it enhances national confidence, produces emotional resonance, resists against enemy's invasion, and finally achieves the aim of national development. 文化民族主义强调的是本民族的文化优越感、外来文化的鄙薄心,它通过对传统文化的追忆与崇拜来提高民族自信心,产生民族情感的共振,抵制外敌入侵,并最终实现民族振兴。
We must learn from the war years, as transformation of enemy prisoners of war, and mobilize all positive factors to contribute to national economic construction, the state can become prosperous and strong. 我们必须要像战争年代改造敌军战俘那样调动一切积极因素为国家经济建设做贡献,国家才能够富强。
The infectious disease is still a formidable enemy which is threatening the human life and health, especially the incidence of national infectious disease remains high in developing countries. 21世纪传染病仍是威胁着人类生命健康的大敌,尤其是在发展中国家传染病发病率居高不下。